About JREHmembrance

I have never really thought of starting a blog, until I came to Calgary, Alberta, Canada to live the life of a homemaker, and now a stay-at-home Mom! Because I am nostalgic, I thought blogging might help me chronicle the precious moments that I encounter on a daily basis, only to find that it is easier dreamt up than done. There are simply too many things, big and small, that are to be cherished and valued each passing day; all of which I am thankful for, for the grace and mercy of God can never be exhausted.

Well, after mulling over the idea of blogging for what seemed like a long time, I finally penned down my first post on WordPress.com. Why not? since I love writing, and gathered that it will be a great way for me to journal and remember the blessed events and people in my life, and also to keep a log of the recipes I love.

The blog name: JREmembrance

It didn’t take me long to come up with a representative blog name. In fact, it is as elucidatory to me as it is interpretive. The blog name JREmembrance is derived from JRE (Jacob, Rebecca, Elizabeth), and remembrance simply because this blog is meant to help me remember and count my blessings.

I had wanted to take a little chronological walk down memory lane, only to find myself caught in a dilemma of posting past memories vs fresh new events and happenings. Being a new mom with an exclusively breastfed baby, and who thinks mommy is her everything, I hardly have any time left to do anything else.. Kudos to those who have newborn twins!

Being so new in the blogosphere, I have yet to figure out what other features WordPress.com can help me in my blog. Well, I guess most bloggers start out slow and a little glassy-eyed like me. All I desire is that this blog will be a channel of blessing to my readers.

Baby E and I


With the addition of Baby H into the JRE family, our blessings have more than doubled to say the least! To present this new addition, our blog name has been changed to JREHmembrance, still pronounced the same as it used to ⇒ J “reh”membrance.

2 Responses to About JREHmembrance

  1. mehdikw says:

    Actually you deserve to write! If you are not worth-full to be writer who will deserve to write. You have brilliant language art skills.May God bless you and your skills.

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